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Mahwana story 2

The occurrence of the sun, moon and stars

The occurrence of the sun, moon and stars were begin when 2 lights slided down quickly but suddenly they stopped as though they depended on the limit that had been determined, the 2 light had a contradictory place with the space of each other were about 100 million years. Suddenly the 2 light were being completed became the sun (maalia) and the moon (jinraut) the meaning of maalia was the pure light and jinraut was captured.

Before the 2 lights maalia and jinraut were completed there were 20 lights were collided harshnessly until it destroyed and jumped with the very big number; 6 billion and formed became the sprinkling of light with the distance between the lights like the trip for 50 thousand years. The light sowing was afterwards known as stars (yasiki) that meaning was the flower light, that when in the future had completed then the light became the Star that we know always decorated the night sky, billion of the jumping light but moved in accordance with the current law of nature.

To be continued...

Note : Please read another story in my blog every 3 days, i hope you like it..

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